
Blog: 3 Days of Pension Day 1

17 December 2020

How much pension do you need? In our blog of October 2020, we already announced that the Heineken Pension Fund is participating in the 3 Days of Pensions. We have also indicated that you can calculate your expected AOW age and get an overview of all your pensions and your AOW.

Blog: 3 Days of Pension on November 3, 4 and 5

17 December 2020

The 3 Days of Pension is an initiative from the Money Wise Platform to promote responsible financial behavior in the Netherlands and to promote financial resilience in old age. The 3 Days of Pension is for all Dutch citizens. During the 3 Days of Pension, which takes place every year, pension providers, employers and advisers, among others, communicate about pensions. They are supported in this with promotion materials.

Blog: Divorce

17 December 2020

In the event of a divorce, you will not initially think about your pension. However, this is an important point to consider. Your ex-partner is entitled to a part of your pension. You can also claim a part of the accrued pension of your ex-partner. In this blog we give you more information about the influence of a divorce on your pension.

Blog: the Heineken Pension scheme

17 December 2020

The Heineken Pension Fund executes several pension schemes. When you join Heineken, Heineken offers you the Heineken pension scheme. The details of the pension scheme are included in the Pension Regulations. Regarding the disability pension, there are also the Disability Pension Regulations.

Blog: Pension Triangle

17 December 2020

We indicated in the previous blog that we have incorporated the amended agreements in the Collective Labor Agreement into our pension regulations. There may be agreements in your employment contract, in the collective labor agreement and in our pension regulations. But what about all those agreements and how do they relate to each other. In this blog we will explain this to you.

Blog: Split Heineken Netherlands Beheer B.V. and the CLA-changes

17 December 2020

As of 1 January 2020, the employer Heineken Netherlands Beheer B.V. (HNB) split into three new independent entities: Heineken Netherland (Commerce), Heineken Netherlands Supply (HNS) and Vrumona. In addition, as of 1 January 2020, two new collective labor agreements have been agreed upon for HNS & Vrumona Supply and Heineken Netherland & Vrumona Commerce.

Blog: Corona and the pension fund part 2

17 December 2020

In our previous blog, we informed you about the consequences of developments on the stock exchanges for the financial situation of the pension fund. We have also indicated how the pension fund can be reached after the national corona measures have been implemented. In this blog we want to inform you about the latest developments.

Blog: Corona and the pensionfund

17 December 2020

In the blog we would like to inform you about the consequences of the developments on the stock exchanges for the financial situation of the pension fund and also about the accessibility of the pension fund in these days.

Blog: Automatic value transfer

17 December 2020

A standard value transfer is made when requested by a member. However, it is possible that you have received a letter from the Heineken Pension Fund (HPF) concerning an incoming value transfer of pension you have accrued with a previous employer without having requested the transfer yourself. This is called an automatic value transfer. This blog explains how the automatic transfer works.

Blog: Cohabitation and Partner’s Pension

17 December 2020

When you get married, a number of things are arranged automatically. But if you start living together, nothing will be arranged automatically. This includes your partner’s pension. In this blog we explain to you what partner’s pension is and what you need to do as a cohabiting partner in order to get a partner’s pension.