What choices do you have?

Value transfer
Are you just employed and have you accrued pension with a previous employer? This pension can be transfered to the Heineken Pension fund.

Compare pension schemes
Do you want to compare your pension schemes? Please check the Pension Comparator (only available in Dutch).

Additional pension arrangements
Do you wish to make extra arrangements for a partner. In that case, you can consider the Supplementary Partner’s Pension insurance of Heineken Pension Fund.
Do you wish to make extra arrangements for when you stop working because of disability?
In that case you can consider the supplementary insurance cover for full disability of the
Heineken Pension Fund. Please note that the voluntary supplementary insurance cover for full disability will no longer be offered to new members of the Heineken Pension Fund as of January 1, 2024. Current participants can continue their voluntary scheme with the Heineken Pension Fund.

Exchange retirement pension for extra partner’s pension
Do you want to exchange (part of) your retirement pension for extra partner’s pension for your partner? You can do so when your employment ends or when you retire.

Exchange partner’s pension for extra retirement pension
Do you want to exchange (part of) your partner’s survivor’s pension for extra retirement pension for yourself? You can do so when your employment ends or when you retire.

Retire earlier
Do you wish to retire earlier than at the standard retirement age of 68? That is possible. If you retire before the AOW pension age, you do not yet receive an AOW pension from the state. In that case you can purchase a bridging pension until you AOW pension age.

Vary in the amount of your pension
Do you want to start with a higher pension? That is also possible when you retire. This is known as the high-low scheme. This means that you receive a lower pension later.

Do you wish to partly retire (earlier)? This is possible when you retire.