Taking early retirement

You can also choose to take retirement before the age of 68. This does mean, however, that your Retirement Pension will be lower.
Taking early retirement therefore does have financial consequences. Pension accrual stops earlier and your Retirement Pension is less because on average it will be paid out over a longer period of time. You must also take into account that your state pension will perhaps commence on a different date than the pension you receive upon early retirement. Take a look on www.svb.nl to find out when your state pension will commence.
However, if the date of your early retirement is more than five years before you reach state pension age, you must intend to stop working completely when you take early retirement.
Would you like more information and/or wish to know exactly what our pension scheme offers you? See the pension scheme or the brochure ‘Pension Scheme for participants who commenced employment after 31-12-2005’.