
Sustainability Report

18 July 2024

When investing, we take environmental and social aspects and good corporate governance into account. We have laid down how we do this in our policy on socially responsible investment (SRI policy). In our Sustainability Report 2023 you can read how this took place in 2023. In the first part, we tell you what our policy looked like in 2023. In part 2 we report on the implementation and results of our SRI policy in the past year.

Annual report and annual overview 2023

18 July 2024

The first half of 2024 is over and we would like to look back on the year 2023 with you. We have laid down the most important facts and figures in the Annual Overview 2023. Worth checking out!

Pension scheme in the new pension system: Partner’s and Orphan’s pension

18 July 2024

It is important that there is also a benefit for your partner and children in the event of your death. A situation you’d rather not think about, but it’s very important to have something arranged.

Value transfer

18 July 2024

If you start working for a new employer and also accrue pension there, you can transfer the pension to your new pension provider. We call this value transfer. Due to the transition to the new pension system, this may take longer than desirable.

Status transition new pension system: Transition Plan ready

18 July 2024

The Future Pensions Act came into force on 1 July 2023. All pension schemes must be adapted to this new law. HEINEKEN and the trade unions have agreed upon a the new pension scheme and about the way in which the transition to the new pension scheme should take place. All of this is laid down in the transition plan. We have made a summary of the transition plan.

Pension scheme in the new pension system: old-age pension

28 March 2024

The social partners (the employers’ and employees’ representatives) want to choose for the solidarity-based pension scheme. In this pension scheme are windfalls and setbacks absorbed together and collective investments are made. As a result, pensions will be stable. In the coming months, we will explain the new pension scheme to you in small pieces. Let’s start with the old-age pension. This is the pension you will receive when you stop working.

Consequences of the sale of Vrumona for pensions and PUM

6 February 2024

Since September 29, 2023, Vrumona is no longer part of HEINEKEN. The sale of Vrumona has some consequences.

Frequently asked questions not to increase pensions as of 1-1-2024

15 January 2024

In response to the announcement that pensions will not be increased as of January 1, 2024, a number of questions have been asked. In this post, we will answer the frequently asked questions.

Changes to the pension scheme as of 1-1-2024

21 December 2023

On July 1, 2023, the Future Pensions Act (Wtp) entered into force. Where possible, we have already brought the current pension scheme in line with the Wtp. We have already adjusted the definitions for ‘partner’ and ‘orphan’. And the pension scheme includes the possibility that you can bring your pension forward to no later than ten years before your state pension age.

Premium 2024

21 December 2023

The contributions for the pension schemes may vary from year to year. The board of the Heineken Pension Fund has determined the premiums for the year 2024.