Explanation of the Implementation Plan and Communication Plan Wtp

6 January 2025 | News

Due to the introduction of the Future Pensions Act (Wtp), HEINEKEN’s pension scheme must be adjusted. The adjustment of the pension scheme has been agreed upon by HEINEKEN, the trade unions and the works councils of HEINEKEN and laid down in the Transition Plan. They requested the following:

  • to implement the adjusted pension scheme from 1 January 2026;
  • convert the pensions accrued on 1 January 2026 to the adjusted pension scheme; and
  • to compensate participants who are accruing pension and who are disadvantaged by the transition to the new pension scheme in the manner described in the transition plan.

The board has tested the request of the social partners against the legal criteria and concluded that:

  • the request is in line with legal requirements;
  • the effects of the proposed changes with regard to the pension as a whole would not lead to an unbalanced disadvantage for participants, former participants, or pensioners; and
  • the value transfer is feasible within the limits of controlled and ethical business operations.

The board has therefore decided to accept the assignment and to carry out the requests. The implementation is laid down in our Implementation Plan (only available in Dutch). In this plan, we have elaborated on how preparations will be made for the implementation of the adjusted pension scheme. We have also explained the way in which the existing pensions will be converted to the new pension scheme.

When will you receive information?

Part of the Implementation Plan is the Communication Plan Wtp (only available in Dutch). We find it importance to properly informing participants, former participants and pensioners about the changes to the pension scheme and the new pension system. This is not (only) about legal obligations. We want to include all participants in the changes and explain what will remain the same and provide insight into the personal consequences of the new scheme.

The Communication Plan Wtp describes how we will inform the various participants of the adjustment of the pension scheme, of the way in which the accrued pensions will be transfered, of the compensation applied and of the impact that the adjustment will have on the pensions.

The most relevant information you will receive from us about the new pension scheme in the coming period concerns the following:

Brochure ‘The new pension scheme, what it mean for you’ May – June 2025
Participant meetings / Webinars on the new pension scheme and the progress of the implementation May – October 2025
Insight into pension amounts in advance
We show your expected pension amounts in the old and new pension scheme
October – November 2025
Insight into pension amounts
We will show your final pension amounts when you transition to the new pension scheme
May – June 2026


If you have any questions about (the implementation of) the new pension scheme, please contact us. This can be done by email or call us. We are happy to help you.

Contact details
E-mail: pensioenfonds@heineken.nl
Tel: 071 – 5458065 (Helpdesk)

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