Complete accountability council

28 September 2023 | News

The accountability council had several vacancies. At this moment they are all fulfilled.

The employer nominated Eveline Graus and Marloes van der Veer. The board agreed to the nomination. Huub Maas and Gert Bolderman have been nominated by the Association of Pensioners, the ‘Vereniging van Pensioengerechtigden’. They also met a number of members of the accountability council, after which they were appointed by the board.

From September 7 until September 21, 2023 elections were held for representation on behalf of the workers. 13.6% voted. You have chosen Rob Robbers and Ruud Koele to represent the interests of the employees in the accountability council.

The members of the accountability council will introduce themselves to you in the coming months.

The Heineken Pension Fund has three different bodies: the board, the accountability council and the supervisory board. In this blog we tell you more about the different bodies of the pension fund.

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