Board vacancies for a pension beneficiaries representative: call for candidates

28 December 2020 | News

Per 1 november 2021 en per 1 januari 2022 zijn er vacatures namens de pensioengerechtigden in het bestuur. The pension fund is managed by a board consisting of eight members, two of which are board members representing persons entitled to a pension.

These representatives are chosen by persons entitled to a pension. Vacancies are arisen per 1 November 2021 and per 1 January 2022 for board members to represent persons entitled to a pension.

Vacancy per 1 November 2021

A vacancy has arisen for 1 November 2021 for a Board member to represent pension beneficiaries. Michiel Kamermans has indicated the wish to continue his board membership. The Vereniging van Gepensioneerden bij Heineken (Association of Retired Persons at Heineken) (VvGH) has again proposed Michiel Kamermans as Board member.

The HPF Board considers Michiel Kamermans a good candidate but wishes to offer other beneficiaries the opportunity to put themselves forward as candidate.

We are looking for committed and competent people wishing to put their name down as candidate.

Candidate requirements are set out in the attached provisional profile.

Vacancy per 1 January 2022

Rob van den Berg has indicated that he would like to terminate his board membership on 1 January 2022. The Vereniging van Gepensioneerden bij Heineken (VvGH) (Association of Retired Persons at Heineken) has proposed Roelf Duursema as candidate.

The Board of the HPF considers Roelf Duursema a good candidate but also wishes to offer other beneficiaries the opportunity to put themselves forward as candidate.

We are looking for committed and competent people wishing to put their name down as candidate.

Candidate requirements are set out in the attached profile.

Who can apply?

All recipients of a pension from the HPF may put themselves forward as a candidate.

Nomination of candidates
Submit your application in writing prior to the closing date for nomination, i.e., 17 January 2021, to the following correspondence address:
Stichting Heineken Pensioenfonds
Attn Board Election Committee
Postbus 530
2380 BD Zoeterwoude

Nominations must be accompanied by a document that includes the names and signatures of at least twenty-five beneficiaries who are entitled to vote. We would also be pleased to receive your motivation for Board membership.
The following documents must be submitted together with your nomination:
1. A copy of a valid proof of identity;
2. An up-to-date CV that includes at least:
1. Education and courses followed;
2. Work experience;
3. Additional positions.
If necessary, the election committee may request additional information.
The following courses can be part of the nomination process:
– Following an (introductory) course with a positive final result; and
– If necessary, one or several courses or introductions for the purpose of raising the nominee’s competences up to the required competence levels.
And finally, De Nederlandsche Bank will assess whether the candidate is suitable for the position.

What is the procedure?

An election committee consisting of two Board members and the management of the administering body will invite the candidates they consider suitable on the basis of their CVs and the other documents for an interview. A list of eligible parties will be drawn up if the interviews lead to the election committee feeling that there is more than one suitable candidate. An election will subsequently be held in March 2021. All beneficiaries will be sent a call to vote.
As soon as the qualified – and possibly chosen – candidates are known they will be appointed.

Have any queries?

If you have any questions you would like answered regarding the tasks of the Board, nomination requirements or the election procedure for instance, please contact Chantal Boekkooi ( or Rosalinde Oudendijk (

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