Nominated for Pensioen Pro Award asset management

8 June 2023 | News

The Heineken Pension Fund has been nominated for the Pensioen Pro Awards 2023 in the asset management category. We have been noticed for our successful in-house asset management strategy and the good investment result that we achieved. With our good investment results, we were also one of the best performing pension funds in the Netherlands in previous years. Read more: Heineken Pension Fund belongs to top pension funds with the highest returns. The other nominees in this category are the Pension Fund for bakers (Pensioenfonds Bakkers) and the Pension fund for the catering industry (Pensioenfonds Horeca & Catering).

Pensioen Pro is a newspaper that writes about pensions on a daily basis. They present the Pensioen Pro Awards every year. The goal of these prizes is to inspire the pension sector.

We won two awards before
In 2018 we even won two Pensioen Pro awards. The Heineken Pension Fund won the gold award for the best Dutch pension fund and the silver award for the best pension fund <5 billion.

Gouden en zilveren Pensioen Pro Awards 2018 voor beste pensioenfondsAward ceremony
An expert jury chooses a winner from the nominated pension funds. The award ceremony will take place on Thursday June 15, 2023. Of course we will let you know afterwards whether we have taken the prize home. To be continued!

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