Extra attention for your pension during the Three Days of Pension

31 October 2023 | News

Tuesday 7 to Thursday 9 November 2023 are the annual Three Days of Pension. During these three days, there is national extra attention for pensions. The Heineken Pension Fund is also participating and are asking for extra attention for pensions during these three days.
See how your pension is doing on www.mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl (log in with eIDAS).

What do we do during the Three Days of Pension:

  1. Call in during one of the three webinars via Teams. How does pension work in the Netherlands? What does the Heineken pension scheme look like? What can you do for your pension and when should you take action? The pension system is going to change, what does that mean? And ask your questions via chat (registration for the webinars is not necessary).
    1. Tuesday November 7, 9.00 – 9.45 a.m. (Dutch)
    2. Wednesday November 8, 12.00 – 12.45 p.m. (Dutch)
    3. Thursday November 9, 10.30 – 11.15 a.m. (English)
  2. Do you have a question about your pension? Call or email us. We are happy to help you!
  3. PILOT: Ask your question about pension via WhatsApp! Send a WhatsApp message with your question to 0031 6 57 20 89 37. And receive a quick reaction. 
  4. On the internal TV screens, you can see some statements about pensions (in Dutch). What do you think: is the statement true or false? During the Three Days of Pension you will find the answer on our website.

Visit our website www.heinekenpensioenfonds.nl/eng for all information about your pension.

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