Blog: Value transfer

28 March 2022 | Blog

If you change jobs, you can transfer your accrued pension to the new pension provider. We call this value transfer. Read more about value transfer in this blog.

Value transfer upon employment HEINEKEN
If you have accrued pension in another pension scheme before you started working for HEINEKEN, you can transfer your accrued pension to the Heineken Pension Fund (HPF). You can request this using the form request for value transfer. You will then receive a statement from the HPF of the pension that you will receive with value transfer. You can than indicate whether you agree with this, or whether you prefer to keep your pension with the existing pension provider.

Whether value transfer is a good choice depends, among other things, on the financial situation of your current and your new pension provider. Would you like help with making your choice? We would be happy to help you by informing you about the most important points for attention with value transfer. You can contact us for this purpose (071-5458065 or

Value transfer upon leaving HEINEKEN
If you leave HEINEKEN, it is also possible to transfer the pension with the HPF to a new pension provider. You must then request this value transfer from your new pension provider.

If you have accrued less than € 520.35 per year but more than € 2 per year, the HPF automatically ensures that your pension is transferred to your new pension provider. If your accrued pension is less than € 2 per year, you will not receive that pension. That is arranged by law.

Read more about value transfer

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