The Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) investigates the sustainable investment policy of the fifty largest pension funds in the Netherlands. This is published annually in the VBDO Benchmark Pension Funds. Heineken Pensioenfonds has risen to 34th place in the ranking. In 2023, we were ranked 40th.
The VBDO study is intended to encourage pension funds to make an impact through sustainable investment. The performance in the field of sustainable investing is improving rapidly. That is why the research methodology will be adjusted in 2024 and more attention will be paid to the elaboration in practice rather than to policy. The ranking will be published every two years from now on. This gives smaller pension funds with more limited capacity, such as Heineken Pensioenfonds, more room to make an impact by making the investment portfolio more sustainable.
Goal of responsible investment: as much return as possible with a responsible risk
For our investments, we have chosen three spearheads that are in line with Heineken’s sustainability policy. The spearheads are: climate, water and human rights. When choosing investments, we always consider sustainability aspects to contribute to a liveable world. In this way, we ensure that the companies in which we invest treat people and the environment well. We do this from our social responsibility and because we know that our participants find it important.
Your opinion counts
We believe it is important to connect with what our stakeholders find important. That is why we regularly invite you to participate in surveys. In 2023, we examined the extent to which we should invest the money for pensions in a socially responsible way. The most important conclusion was that our current SRI policy fits well with the preferences of our stakeholders.